Watch That Step

It's a Lulu.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Fox sucks

Fucking Fox! I had an audition at Fox Studios today, but never made it. Know why? Their parking structure, which holds, say, 3000 cars is currently parking 5000 cars. There is no room. And the attendent who directed me into my spot, directed me into a spot that had less than 6 inches of room outside of th width of my car. So, did I end up scratching my car on the cement column? Yes. Was the car the new Prius? Yes. Did I want to take my motorcycle? Yes, but it was raining. Do I just want to blame somebody? Yes. (But I do think they are partially at fault.) So, now I have to shell out 500 bucks to take out the dents and scratches.
I hate Fox.


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