Watch That Step

It's a Lulu.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More fear, more loathing.

A posthumous interview with Hunter Thompson turned up in the College Crier.

Here's my favorite excerpt:

"The first time I saw George Bush, he came into my hotel room in Houston, and passed out in the bathtub. How’s that for a story. He was drunk. He was not invited, he came into the room with some friend of his who was invited and he disappeared, and the next time I saw him he was passed out in the bathtub, he had vomited on his seersucker suit- that’s a good image. I’ve done worse things under a variety of substances, including drink. But to me that’s the most interesting thing he’s done as a human being- wait a minute, did I say that out loud?"

Oh, George. You slay me. So presidential. Such a nice glass house you live in.

Read it. It might be the last thing you ever read by the guy who, pretty much, created this whole bloggy shit.


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